History of the web

In this blog post i will go over the timeline of the World Wide Web and over the events that lead up to the web we have today.

In 1965, two computers at the MIT Lincoln Lab communicate with another using packet switch technology. This was the first breakthrough in new technology for the future.

Image result for MIT Lincoln Lab

Lincoln lab in America


In 1968, the Beranek and Newman INC. Unveil the final version of their product IMP (Interface Message Processor) This got Beranek and Newman a APRANET Contract. This was the first movement in being able to send a “email”.

 In October 1969. UCLA’s Network Measurement Center, Stanford Research Institute. The university of California and University of Utah install nodes. The first message that was sent was “LO”, which was an attempt by a student to “LOGIN” to the SRI computer in the university. However the message was not completed and made the system crash.

In 1972. BBN’s Ray Tomlinson introduces the network email. This made the internetworking Working Group which formed the address needed to establish standard protocols.

In 1973, it was the year that the internet was born with the University College of London and Royal Radar Establishment in Norway connected to ARPANET which created the term internet. Image result for internet in 1973

Image of the APRA network that was used to power the internet in America

This was the initial layout for how the internet was used in america for the ARPANET

1974 – The first Internet Service Provider (ISP) was founded with the introduction of a commercial version of ARPANET, which is known as the Telenet.

Image result for telenet 1974This is the more modern logo of the company today.

1976 –  Queen Elizabeth II Sends her first “Email”.

1979 – The first discussion groups are set up by USENET

In 1981, The National Science Foundation (NSF) provided a grant to establish the Computer Science Network to provide a networking service to universities.

In 1982 The TCP/IP ( Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) emerge as the protocol for ARPANET. This results in a definition of the internet as connected. TCP/IP is still the default protocol for internet today.

In 1983, a domain start to establish such as .gov, .com, .net, .net, .mil, .edu and .int for websites. This is easier to remember than IP address’s such as 128.456.789.10.Image result for internet domains

These are a few domains that are used.

1986 – The National Science Foundations NSFNET goes online to connect supercomputer centers at 56k bits per second.

1987 –  Cisco launches its first ever router and the number of hosts on the internet exceed 20,000.

Image result for first cisco router

This is what the router looked like when it was developed.

1991 –  CERN introduces the World Wide Web to the public.

1992 – The first audio and video are distributed on the internet.

In 1994, Microsoft create a web browser for Windows 95, This is the first web browser created for this operating software. Yahoo! is created by Jerry Yang and David Filo at Stanford University.Image result for windows 95 web browser

Web browser used in windows 95.

1995 – Amazon, craigslist, eBay and match go live, This is the first taster of E-commerce for online shopping.

Image result for ebay at the beginning

First stage of eBay.

In 1998, Google search engine is released. IPv6 is released to allow for the future growth of Internet Addresses. IPv4 used 32-bit addresses allowing for 4.3 billion unique addresses, while IPv6 has 128-bit addresses will allow 3.4 x 1038 unique addresses.

2000 – The dot-com starts to leak vulnerability . Websites such as Yahoo! and eBay are hit by a security attack, highlighting the vulnerability of the Internet.

2003 – The blog publishing platform WordPress is released.

2004 – Facebook goes online and the era of social media has begun. Facebook today has millions of active users, this shows how crucial social media is in todays society. Image result for facebook at the beginning

First stage of Facebook.

2005 – YouTube and Reddit are released.

Image result for youtube at the beginning

First stage YouTube .

2006 – Twitter launches Image result for twitter beginning

Twitter’s early stages.

2009 –  40th anniversary of the internet.Image result for 40th birthday

2010 – Facebook reaches 400 million users. Instagram launches.

2013 – 51% of US adults use online banking.

Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. (2018). Web History Timeline. [online] Available at: https://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/11/world-wide-web-timeline/ [Accessed 23 Nov. 2018].




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